Wednesday, August 29, 2012

fit bit (be glad-fun club)

Fit Bit (be glad in our day)
Today is the day the Lord has made, I shall rejoice and be glad in it!!!

Sometimes I think it is easier to trust God for our eternal salvation then our daily joy.  Each day we have an opportunity to enjoy the many gifts God has given us.  Each day we will have the opportunity to grumble and complain.  How will you spend your days?

We all are going through something!  Let His promises and Omni presence replace your pain.  Faith Based fun Club starts this Sept. 1st.

Pease email me and join our club.  I’ve attached a flyer on it.  I will be emailing you a Fun Fit Bit once a week and I am hoping we can get conversation going on Face Book on my Faith Centered Fitness page or my Fit Bit group.

Our first group activity is Sept. 9th.  We will be canoeing down the Lacrosse river.  Please bring your family and friends.  This will be a great opportunity to invite non-believers too.  I want each of our lives to be so full of joy through Jesus Christ that our witness will win lives for Him.

The scheduled time is 1-5pm.  Please let me know how many canoes and kayaks you will need as soon as possible.  I want to get a good preliminary head count by Sept. 2nd.  If you decide to come after that…no problem, we will get you in.

Psalms 90:14  “O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.”

Be fit and be blessed,


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fit Bit ( grateful vs. entitled)

Fit Bit (grateful or entitled?)
Dear Kimberly,

     I recently was able to have a wonderful vacation.  I could not afford to go, but a friend of mine let me use his credit card so I could have enough gas.  I took advantage of the situation and charged more then just gas.  During my spending, I justified my actions.  Now, I look back and think, “what a spoiled little brat”.  How do I make it up to my friend?  My friend is always so kind; I take his generosity for granted.  How do I stay grateful and not take advantage?


Grateful vs. Entitled

Dear Grateful vs. Entitled,

    It is easy to take the people who love us the most for granted.  We can do that with our salvation, too.  Humble, is how to stay grateful.  On our own, we are not worthy.  Through Jesus we are worthy, made well, and given great gifts.  Yet, as we use these gifts, such as kindness, intelligence, diligence we can begin to feel prideful. We can think our gifts, belong to us and we deserve things because of our actions.  We are recipients of Grace.  When we realize all we have is from God, we are taking the first step of humility.  If we practice humility we are less likely to think we are entitled, and more likely to live in gratefulness. When we are prideful we think we deserve…an extra, helping of ice-cream, a more expensive car then we can afford…  etc.…we rationalize our selfish behavior.

Evaluate your humility daily.  Do you realize everything you have is a gift from God and you are to be the keeper of His gifts?  Evaluate how you are doing.  Do you truly live in thanksgiving or do you squander your assets?

Be honest with your friend, express your regret, and try to not take advantage of his generosity anymore.  Ask Jesus to forgive you and guide you to sin no more.

Luke 6:45  “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil; for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

Be fit and be blessed,


Thursday, August 16, 2012

fit bit (give)

Fit Bit  (give)

  Acts 20:35  “ I have showed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

Today, and each day forward contemplate and act on these words.  Many of us each have something going on in our lives that are causing us grief.  Exhale, get out of yourself and intentionally be kind and loving to someone else.

Love God
Love yourself (by accepting His love for you)
Love others (take the love He has given you and spread it)

The first step to true wellness is to Love God, accept His loving forgiveness through Jesus Christ then spread His love.

Be fit and be blessed,




Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fit Bit (Can't leave my X alone)

Fit Bit (can’t leave my X alone)
Dear Kimberly,
I am divorced twice.  My second ex-wife and I still workout together and have casual sex.  I have a new girlfriend.  My new girl friend knows about my relationship with my X.  My X is very upset about my girl friend and me.  I am trying to quit drinking but with this going on, I am struggling.   How do I leave my X alone?
Can’t leave my X alone

Dear Leave your X alone,

 First, there is no such thing as casual sex.  The society we live in may tell us there is, but that is not the truth in Gods’ word.  Sex, is a gift for a husband and wife, not for casual encounters.  When we do not honor the ways of God in our actions we suffer.  I imagine that you are also sleeping with your new girlfriend, if so quit it. 

When a person is trying to get clean and sober after issues with alcohol, there is usually a big mess in their lives.  This seems to be true for you.  The first year of sobriety is very fragile.    Get back to basics;
1.  Seek first God.  (Mathew 6:33)  All the insanity in your life will be cured if you first look to God.  Read His word, the Bible.  Get sound pastoral advice and fellowship with other Christian Men.
2.  Family first, if you have children they are more important then new girl friends, Repair those relationships first.
3.  During all this do what ever it takes to stay clean.  If you start drinking again it will mess up your thought process and the alcohol will become your God.  If alcohol is in your life, as an alcoholic, you will not be able to “Seek first God”.

Many times people with issues with alcohol need to enter rehab and then instead of returning home they need to go to a half way house.  This may seem to degrading, but your life sounds pretty degrading.    You need to get back to basics, Seek God, love your family and stay clean.  If you work, put effort into your job.  Chances are your career is suffering to.

Mathew 6:33  “But seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Be fit and be blessed,

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Fit Bit (living a lie)

Fit Bit (living a lie)
Dear Kimberly,

    I have lied.  I hid something from my dearest friend because what I did I knew he wouldn’t approve of so I simply hid it from him.  Now It is turning into a big lie.  I don’t know what to do.  I’m so embarrassed.  I call myself a Christian, but I still act like such a horrible person.

Living a lie

Dear living a lie,

  That’s a tuff one.  Christians sin.  That is the big bummer.  We get convicted of our sins quickly and forgiven through Jesus Christ. But unfortunately we still sin.  Take your sin to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you and make it right.  It will be very hard and embarrassing to talk with your friend about this.  Do it anyway.  Do it soon.  The longer this hangs over your head the harder it will be.  The longer you let this go unaddressed the more likely you are to receive consequences for it.  We have a loving just God.  Address this issue today.

John 10:10  “ The thief comes but for to steal, and to kill and to destroy; I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
Mathew 11:28  “Come to me, all ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Remember the woman who was to be stoned for her adultery?  Jesus said to her,
”Go and sin no more.”

I will be praying for your strength.

Be fit and be blessed,


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