Fit Bit (Sex Sin)
Run from sex sin.
Sex sin…is almost a taboo subject. Many of us living single have pretended in
our mind that in today’s world God doesn’t care as much about Sex sin. THAT IS A LIE! Just because the media portrays sex as
glamorous and freeing doesn’t not make it true.
Sex can be beautiful between a husband and a wife as long as it is kept
loving and pure. Using our bodies in
unnatural ways even between a husband and wife can deeply hurt the marriage
Personally, I have felt the devastation of sexual sin. I felt unworthy and unlovable.
The GOOD NEWS, Jesus died for me! I feel beautiful because He has pardoned me,
and made me new, like a virgin. He
pardons you too! Just ask, believe you
has been set free and don’t look back. Today
is a new day. If you suffer with sexual
sin, it is affecting your true health and wellness. Run from it with the help of our Lord.
I Corinthians 6:17-18
“But if you give yourself to the Lord, you and Christ are joined
together as one person. 18 That is why I
say to run from sex sin. No other sin
affects the body as this one does. When
you sin this sin it is against you own body.
(The Living Bible translation)
Be fit and be blessed,