Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Fit Bit ( Love or Resentment?)

Fit Bit (Love or resentment?)
Love or resentment, which fills your heart?  Many of the people we love the most need us the most.  It is easy to fall into needing someone and putting them ahead of God.  If we do this, it will not be long before we can fall into resentment.  Resentment, can fuel ugliness inside us and produce all kinds of unhealthy behaviors.

What is the cure for resentment?  Keep God first, praise Him and study His word.  Let His Holy Spirit fill your heart.  God first, will fill you from the inside and you will be filled to overflowing.  In this state of abundance you will find the energy, compassion and love to love without resentment. 

God first is the simplest way to be the healthiest in all areas of your life.

Jesus was asked, what is the most important commandment?

Mark 12; 29  The most important one, “answered Jesus, is this;  “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.  30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.  31The second is this Love your neighbor as yourself.  There is no commandment greater then these.”

Be fit and be blessed,


I can take individuals, or small groups up to seven people. We will practice Holy, Healthy and Happy living!!!  You will receive the Christian life skills to help you live a more abundant life!!

I have four weeks open this summer for Faith and Fitness vacations!!  Call to book your now.

Contact Kimberly

Fit Bit (Wisdom)

Fit Bit (Wisdom)
Proverbs 8:1 “Does not wisdom call out?  Does not understanding raise her voice?”

Proverbs 8:10-11 “Chose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, 11for wisdom is more precious that rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.”

Wisdom and understanding, let’s seek these first before we get emotional.
  As a woman, my emotions are usually very close to my surface.  When I act on them, I say and do things that are ridiculous.  I over eat, I say things I want to take back, my anxiety goes through the roof and basically I self-destruct.  I recently worked with someone who told me,” I think God just needs us to believe, He doesn’t need us to read the Bible and go over board.”  Although, I agree with the statement, “we just need to believe” I disagree with not actively reading God’s word and seeking Him first.  If this is overboard…so be it, but reading God’s word daily and surrounding myself with a supportive Christian atmosphere is the only way I know to get wisdom and understanding.  If we don’t read his word, and seek sound counsel, we are likely to run with our emotions and call it God.  The Bible says, “Your word is a light unto my feet.”   In this crazy world of anything goes, I stay the most sane by seeking His wisdom and understanding.

I hope this helps you be motivated to set daily time for His word.

Be fit and be blessed,
