Friday, January 18, 2019

Fit Bit ( SO we can SHINE!)

Fit Bit (So we can Shine!)
Philippians 2:14-15  “Do all things without murmuring or disputing. 15 That ye maybe blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke and perverse nation among whom YE SHINE AS LIGHTS OF THE WORLD!!!

In order to SHINE we need to drop the grumbling and complaining.

Why is it so easy to enter into seeing what is wrong?  When raising my children I was told to “catch them doing what is right and praise them for it”.   I tried this technique.  I had to intentionally focus on the positive, because it was easier for me to focus on the negative.    Children respond to attention.  They will respond to negative or positive reinforcement.  All of us do the same.  We have to intentionally set the tone in order to SHINE!

Today, be encouraged to;
1.     Stop the grumbling and complaining.
2.     See what is right
3.     Be thankful
4.     SHINE

As Christians we want to win souls for Christ.  In order to do this we have to have something people want.  The joy of Jesus is consistent no matter what we have to gripe about.  Yes, in this world there is pain.  In order to SHINE, give Jesus your pain and TRUST in His promises. 

Proverbs 23:7 “ As a man thinketh in his heart, so shall he be.”

Philippians 4:8 “ Finally Brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Be fit, be blessed and SHINE!


Friday, January 11, 2019

Fit Bit ( The Joy of the Lord is my Strength)

Fit Bit (The Joy of the Lord is our Strength)
Recently, my oldest son Ryan described me as a wounded duck.  He said, I guilt people into helping me.  He said, I have been doing that for years, that I started it because that is the only way I could get his brothers to do something for me and it is now, my way of life.

WOW!!!  I had no idea that this is something I am doing.  I feel very sad, that I present myself that way.  It feels crazy, since I consider myself a Christian woman.  My identity is as a loving, kind, athletic, Christian woman.   With his statement I have to look a bit closer into my own behavior.  As a Christian, I want to spread God’s good news and disciple other people. I have to have something they want. If I go around acting like a wounded duck, I will not be winning many souls for Christ. 

I heard a sermon the other day about how grumbling and complaining can become a way of life.  I have had many problems, most of us have.  I think I have focused too much on the negative and not enough on the TRUTH.  The truth is God, loves me and He loves the ones I love even more then I do.  The truth is no matter how bleak things can be here on this earth, this is not our final destination Heaven is.  That is our forever home through the Power of Jesus Christ.  Zero-100 years are just a blink of an eye compared to eternity.  I have a plaque on my wall it says, “Don’t tell God you have a big problem, tell your problem you have a big God.”  This saying reminds me to look to Jesus in all things, His arm is not too short, and I can trust Him in the middle of anything and knowing in Him there is peace and joy.  So, if I believe this, why do I grumble, complain and guilt people into helping me?

I think I forget to remember how much of a gift everyday is.  I forget to look at the beauty in life and focus on the problems instead.  How sad.  John 10:10 “ The thief comes, but to kill steal and destroy, I have come that you may have life to the full and in abundance.”  My New Years resolution is to focus on the JOY OF THE LORD.
I resolve to wake up and be thankful.  I resolve to see the beauty and be joyful.  In Exodus 15:18 it tells of Miriam.  She led a band of ladies with tambourines, singing and dancing after our God parted the Red Sea.  She could have been afraid, that the waters would crash in at any time, but instead she celebrated God’s great power and love and she brought others with her!!

Today be inspired, to see the joy of the Lord in all you think say and do.  This is a temporary fallen world.  We have Heaven to look forward to.  In the meantime, we can still spread His joy.  In doing so, we will be able to help more people.

Be fit and be blessed,