Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fit Bit ( veggies are so good!)

Fit Bit   (Vegetables are so good!!!)

Some people think it is suffering to take care of their physical bodies.  I think it is fun and rewarding!!  Vegetables are so good!!!   Try to eat them with a smile!

1 Peter 4:1 Therefore, since Christ suffered in His body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin.

We have looked at many ways to take care of our physical bodies,

1.    Sleep 8-10 hours daily( Your sleep will be sweet, Psalm 3:5)
2.    Rest (“Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7)
3.    Recreation (“Have and Enjoy your life” John 10:10)
4.    Exercise (Exercise profits the body 1 Timothy 4:8)
5.     Nutrition
a.    Water (Drink 64 oz. a day, and remember always that Jesus gives us the cup that will never run dry, He is the living water!! John 7:38)
b.    Fruit (Eat 2-3 servings of fruit a day, Daniel 1:1)
c.      VEGITABLES (Eat 5-7 servings of Vegetables daily, Daniel 1:1)

This week we are continuing to concentrate on our Daniel Challenge.

Drink water, eat fruit and veggies and read a chapter of Daniel a day!!!

Vegetables contain many of our essential nutrients.  They are also a great source of fiber.  Try to concentrate on green vegetables.  Spinach, broccoli and asparagus are wonderful for you!!! 

Easy way to fit in 5-7 servings of vegetables; Buy a prepackaged bag of veggies and eat them all by yourself for lunch.  You can add cheese, beans, rice or meat to your veggies too.

Be fit and be blessed,


Friday, April 26, 2013

Daniel Challenge (Day 2)

The Daniel Challenge Day two

King Nebuchandnezzar asked the impossible for man.  He asked that someone would tell him his dream and then interpret his dream.  Daniel knew that it was not possible for him to do this, but he knew it was possible through God.  Daniel asked his other men(the ones drinking water and eating veggies) to pray.  God gave Daniel the dream and the interpretation of it.

Daniel looked to and trusted GOD.  God gave Daniel the answer.

I think it is easy to trust in our own ways and walk in the ways of this world.  When I walk in my ways and do things my way, I fall short, get frustrated and fearful.  Today whatever you are going through, whatever decisions you have to make, take the time to pray about it and then trust God.  Even if you miss what He is telling you…..He can and will still work it out for good.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”

Daniel 2:17  “Then Daniel returned to his house and explained the matter to his friends Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.  He urged them to plead for mercy from the God of Heaven concerning this mystery, so that he and his friends might not be executed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.”

Don’t forget Daniel and His men were not toxifying their bodies with junk food and wine.  They were trusting God and taking care of themselves as His temple.  Be inspired to do the same.

Be fit and be blessed,


*Yesterday, I did better with my vegetables and water but I still fell short.  My biggest downfall yesterday was not listening to the truth I knew God put in my heart regarding a bid for my sons house.  I pray that God will still work this out for Ryan’s’ good.  Please pray for Gods’ blessings on my son Ryan.  Thank you

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Daniel Challenge (Day 1)

Did you read the first Chapter of Daniel yesterday?  How did you do on the fruits, veggies and water?

I was short on the water, and I didn't get to the whole chapter until this morning.

My motivation for today is the Kings men that eat the vegetables and drank only water did not only have a better physical appearance, they were smarter.  I can use all the help I can get there. (smile)

Let me know how you do.

Be fit and be blessed,


    Daniel 1:17  "To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning.  And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds."


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fit Bit (perseverance)

Fit Bit (perseverance)

Good Morning Fit Bit Readers,

    I give you my apologies for not keeping you up to date on why I have been absent in writing this column.  About a month ago my computer crashed, I lost my hard drive.  I also lost quite a bit of work and many pictures even though I thought I had everything Backed up.  It took me about three weeks to get my computer back and that was enough for me to be “out of the habit “ of writing my “Fit Bits”.  I appreciate the encouragement I have received to get back on the computer.  Thank you.

    “OUT OF THE HABIT” Is a very common occurrence.  Many times as a fitness coach my clients will tell me…. They used to be in shape.  Then they simply got “out of the habit”.  It takes 21-28 days to formulate new habits.  (Sometimes I think it only takes one or two day s to break them)  Do you have health habits that you need to reestablish in your life?

HOLY-HEALTHY-HAPPY Is the Faith Centered Fitness way.

Love God, with all your heart, mind and soul.
Treat your body like a temple not a trashcan or an idol.
Love others as Jesus Christ loves you.

The only way I know to achieve the perseverance necessary to live a healthy life is to
“Seek first the kingdom of God” Matthew 6:33

Are you reading His word, The Bible daily?  His word is truly where strength lies.

Galatians 5:16  “So, I say live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.”

Be fit and be blessed,


PS;  TODAY My exercise class from St. Johns is starting the Daniel Challenge.  Would you like to join us?  We will be eating 2-3 fruits, 5-7 serving of vegetables and drinking 64 oz. of water daily. Plus we will read one chapter of Daniel a day for the next 12 days.  You can eat other things, just make sure you “get in” your fruit, veggies, water and most importantly; THE WORD OF GOD.”