Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Fit Bit (Do it with a Childs' TRY)

Fit Bit (Do it with a Childs’ TRY)
This Spring I have had the good fortune to be able to coach Our Church schools’ Junior High track team.  What a hoot!!  The kids are amazing!  They have happily shown up for practice and given great efforts.  It’s very exciting to watch their try.

Jesus said, we should come to Him as little children.  What does that mean?
As I understand this verse, it means come to him with full trust and enthusiasm.  I see that in these children.  Trust, Enthusiasm and whole heartedness are leading their way.  This way of thinking seems to come so naturally for them.  I look at myself and see the enthusiasm slipping away.  When this happens my job performance is half hearted.  When I give minimal effort, my trust in God suffers too.  My pray today is, “Lord help me come to you with the trust and enthusiasm of a little child.

I asked my “kids” to pick out a Bible verse that could help them stay strong when they feel like loosing their try.

Owen picked Colossians 4:23  “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not unto men.”

Today be inspired to give life your best shot unto the Lord.  He will increase you TRY.

Be fit and be blessed,


Jeremy Camp’s “Same Power”

Try a Faith Centered Fitness Christian Wellness Vacation this Summer!! 

Kimberly 608-487-4879

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