Thursday, October 20, 2016

Fit Bit ( What's important)

Fit Bit (What’s Important)
It seems to me that I have been amazingly busy, for the past few years.  I’m trying to figure out why.  My friends tell me its because I have too many things going on.  That could be true.  Yet in the past few years I have made sure that I am present when I am in my relationships.  I have limited time, so what I do with it is extremely important.  When I was less, busy, I had lots of time for hours of exercise and if my relationships threatened that time, I would simply blow them off until I had my fix in.  Currently, I try to put my relationships first and truly be with the people I am spending time with.  I have noticed that this is improving the quality of my life far more then over exercising ever did.  My most important relationship I have is with our Lord Jesus.  When I put Him first, He guides me on how to truly be a good friend and mother.  I am thankful that I have figured out what is important.  Have you?

Mathew 6:33 “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.”

Be fit and be blessed,


It seems easy to “blow off” time with God, or the people we love and trust the most, because we are too busy.  We are all busy, yet none of us can afford to “blow off” what matters most.

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