Monday, March 25, 2019

Fit Bit ( Reboot & Keep on Keeping on!)

Fit Bit (Reboot & Keep on keeping on!)
We are about mid way through Lent.  How are you doing on having a season of sincerely looking at yourself and cleaning out the old, that doesn’t honor God and bringing in the new that does?

Today on Bible gateway 1 John 1:9 popped up:

“ If we confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and His word is not in us.”

When I read this I started to reflect on my Lent journey and realized I am falling back into old habits.  It is easy to do.  As a fitness trainer I have seen many people simply give up once they mess up for a bit.  The people that succeed almost never get it right away.  They have a continual struggle with leaving the old ways behind and putting on the new until one day the new is more of a habit then the old.  Once in a while you will find someone that changes their life “cold turkey” but usually it is a constant effort of intentionally turning away and turning toward. 

Don’t give up!! Reboot!!
Confess to the Lord where you are at, repent and ask Him for His provision to do what you know in your heart is your best way to honor God.

Currently I am taking a class on Bonhoeffer and the holocaust.  He reflects on why the Germans and others could participate in such a horrific slaughter.  Largely,  he says that the people ignored God and followed man.

Your sin is most likely not as horrific as the Holocaust, but what ever your sin is, if left un-confessed and addressed will erode you.  Today be inspired to Reboot and keep on keeping on. “ You can do all things through Christ who give you strength”.   Philippians 4:13

Be fit and be blessed,


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