Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fit Bit ( the fiery furnace)

Fit Bit (The fiery furnace)
Daniel 3:11  “And whoever does not fall down and worship shall be cast into the midst of the fiery furnace.”

This verse from Daniel refers to when King Nebuchadnearr made a decree for all his people to worship an image of Gold.   Shadrach, Me -Shach and Abed -Neogo refused to worship this image and stayed true to Our Heavenly Father, the One True God.  They were thrown into the furnace but God, delivered them and they did not get scorched or even smell like smoke.  (Daniel is an excellent book to read)

Do you ever feel like that?  Do you ever feel like you have to compromise your own values to be a part of the crowd?  In todays world it is not politically correct to speak of Jesus.  Yet we are called as Christians to share His good news!  Do you open your mouth and share your faith or do you keep quiet and hope not to ripple the water?

What about when you are trying to watch your diet and get regular exercise?  Do you stand firm to your hearts desire to live a holy, healthy happy life or do you conform to those around you, who are pushing cookies and inactivity?

God has given you His Holy Spirit.  You know what is right and what is wrong.  You have the strength inside of you to keep going in the right direction. 

Philippians 4:13  “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Today, and each day forward be encouraged to do your best not to conform to this world and its ways, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind through Christ Jesus.  Our Heavenly Father will not let you get burned!!

Be fit and be blessed,


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