Sunday, January 19, 2014

Bible study Jan 19

Jan. 19
Old Testament; Genesis 38; 1-39; 23 Judah and Tamar, discipline from the Lord was death.   Father, Thank you for Jesus that now we can turn from our evil ways and be made righteous through Jesus Christ.  Thank you for your Holy Spirit that directs my desires and ways.  Please keep helping me do what I know you want me to do.  Joseph was shown favor in all he did.  Lord you have given me much favor too.  Please continue to keep your loving protective hand on my family and me in all we think, say and do.  Let each of us be a blessing to you.
New Testament Mathew 13-36-58 The parable of the weeds explained.  Father, This Parable is like today, we are being raised amongst many who are immoral and do not trust Jesus as Savior.  Please keep my house and me from being like the weeds, let us stand in your ways, in your truth and love.  Please bring us home in the time of harvest. 
PSALM 11:1-7 6 “On the wicked He will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur; a scorching wind will be their lot.  7 For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face.  Thank you, Lord for Jesus, because I cannot be righteous as that is pleasing to you with out being pardoned by His blood.  Thank you Father for Jesus.

 ( These thoughts of mine are based on the NIV Daily Bible.  It is the complete International Version in 365 days.  I hope you join me in this quest to read through the Bible in a year.  I look forward to your thoughts as we go along.)

Be fit and be blessed,


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