Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Fit Bit ( Be well now B4 the Holy Days)

Fit Bit (Be well NOW through the Holy days!!)

Nov 17, this is about the time many of us decide we are busy, it’s cold outside, the holidays are coming and we’ll start a fitness regime after the first of the year.

Most have us go through this every year and when Jan 1st rolls around we may get going for a week or two and life gets in the way once again.  Being fit and well in the Winter months in Wisconsin is challenging.  Let’s face it being fit and well anywhere any time is challenging.  This time of year our daylight hours are short.  When it is dark and cold outside I want to curl up on the couch and wait for it to be warm and bright.  Yet, what my feelings want and what is good for me, and my walk with the Lord are often different..  I have to intentionally plan my healthful life style everyday.  To stay successful I have to keep it simple.  My wellness program in its simplicity is doing something Holy, Healthy and Happy everyday. 

1.     Holy, I remember God loves me, Jesus died for me, I am a valuable asset to Him and I am never alone Jesus is with me always (Mathew 28:20).  I do this by reading the Bible daily, listening to Christian radio and keeping like-minded friends in my inner circle.
2.     Healthy, I stay on my healthy routine by letting the Holy Spirit direct my life.  I know to eat healthful and move more.  Yet healthy is way deeper then diet and exercise alone.  I try to be a good steward of my life. (1Timothy 4:8 “Exercise profits the body a little, Godliness profits in all things.”)
3.     Happy, Jesus said,” One new command I give to you, that you should love others as I have loved you.”(John 13:34)  Happiness is Holiness; Happiness is getting outside of myself and intentionally being kind to someone else.

James 1; 22  “Do not merely listen to the word, and deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.”
In order to” DO”, we need to plan.  Plan a Holy, Healthy, and Happy activity everyday and reap the rewards this Holy season.  If you only get to Holy, you are in taking a big step in the right direction!!

Be fit and be blessed,

(I love this song….I need to remember Jesus makes me perfect in Gods eyes.)

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