Thursday, January 5, 2012

Healthy and well for 2012 (week one/3)

Healthy and well for 2012 (week one/3)

I have a small group on an email list for this Healthy and well for 2012 program.  I also thought I would post the information on my blog and on my Faith Centered Fitness Face Book page. 

Introduce yourself and tell what you are looking for in this New Year, through our healthy and well program! 

This week is a jumpstart.  Look over the 21-day fitness quest.  We are using it as a daily guide to keep life in balance and centered on God.

1.    Mathews 6:33 “ Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.”
The most important part of Healthy and Well is keeping Jesus front and center.  We can call on Him 24/7.  His peace is what will give us the strength and desire to listen to His Holy Spirit and take better care of our lives. Pray and read scripture is how to remember to ask him in!  This doesn’t happen automatically.  We have to schedule the time in; it doesn’t happen if we don’t plan for it.  As we work through this program we will be living our lives on purpose!  His purpose.  What is your plan?

Please share you thoughts,

Be fit and be blessed,


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