What is the purpose of life? This is a question my dear freind and I were discussing. The first thing that comes to my mind is to know and love God. When I love, God I read His word and try to do what it says. I of course fail miserably, but I keep brushing myself off, accepting the forgiveness Jesus died to give me and try, try, try again. Charles Stanley quoted, "Be Gods man/woman, in Gods place, doing Gods work, Gods way. What an order!! Today that is resonating with me. I ask myself, “Am I fulfilling my purpose in life, by keeping God, His work and His ways first in my life? Or am I seeking after my own pleasures? I also wonder if I can do both. God has given me desires in my heart. He has given me talents and abilities. I have to be careful that I use all of them for His glory and not my self indulgence. Hebrews 13:21"equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him," Through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever, Amen. "
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