Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Be filled no matter how empty you feel

John 7:38 "Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from him."

These are the words of Jesus.    When I was a drinker, I would try to fill myself up with the  numbing of alcohol to find peace.    I would get anxious about things and use alcohol or exercise to help me handle circumstances that bothered me.  The problem was I couldn’t get to true peace with either.      I now TRUST God in all things.    I keep looking up to God to keep my chin up and I keep asking Him to fill me and the ones I love with His Holy Spirit so that I may TRUST HIM, as my Lord and Savior therefore TRUSTING HIM.  In my everyday sometimes crazy life.   Being filled with His Holy Spirit is having streams of “Living Water” flow from me.  Im not  emptied and drained by life.    I’m full of hope, endurance desire to do right.   Let His Holy Spirit fill you today too  overflowing, no matter what!!😇❤️🙏

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