Monday, September 9, 2024


John 6:29 "Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one He has sent."   Believe!!  We all have reasons why we can look at something horrible and say, “ If there was a God, why would He…..”.  God has given us free will.   We as a humane race have chosen sin.   There are consequences to our sin.    We can live in forgiveness and newness of life when we BELIEVE that 1.  We are sinners and can’t save ourselves. 2.   Jesus died on the cross to pay the eternal price of each of our sins.   3.  Jesus rose from the dead and is alive.   I can’t reason out the horrible.   But I can TRUST God through it all and Believe!   This is the basis for my sobriety and zeal for life!! 

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