Feb 2
Old Testament; Job 25:1-29:25
Job remembers how wonderful his life was when he had God
29:2 “How I
long for the months gone b; for the days, when God watched over me. When His lamp shone upon my head and by His
light I walked through darkness!”
Life lesson; Job 28:28
“And he said to the man;
“The fear of the Lord-that is wisdom.
And to shone evil is understanding.””
New Testament Mathew 21:33-22:14
21:42-44 “The stone the builders rejected has become the
capstone. The Lord has done this, and it
is marvelous in our eyes.” 43 Therefore,
I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and will be
given to a people who will produce its fruit.
He who falls on the stone will be broken into pieces, but he whom which
it falls will be crushed.”
Life lesson; Sometimes following Christ, we are broken; this
beats being crushed!
Psalm 18:7-15 “The
earth trembled and quaked, and the foundation of the mountains shook: they trembled because he was angry.”
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