Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Godliness with CONTENTMENT!

1Timothy 6:6 "But godliness with contentment is great gain."   Yesterday I was feeling a bit empty.  My day was full of fun and friends but still I was struggling with emptiness.  I was looking at lack and not being content with what I have.    So crazy because I have so much.  Someone pointed out that I was struggling with not being good enough on my own.   At first I thought, “no I have Jesus.   That’s not true.   I know I am complete in Him.”   But do I?   I looked at myself and I am realizing that instead of being content with the many blessings God has given me I'm focusing on the things I think I want that I don't have and blame God for not providing.  I let a lack of trust divide me from my confidence in Him because He is not giving me what I think would be best.   Therefore I am living in worldliness not godliness and the result is emptiness.   So crazy that I can read my bible most days and still go down the wrong path of thinking.  Today, I will rest in being content in christ Jesus.    1 Timothy 6:6 “But, Godliness with contentment is great gain.”

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