Monday, May 6, 2024

In lack there is hope

Lamentations 3:24 ""The Lord is my portion", says my soul, " therefore I will hope in Him.""    When I remember , it is God that provides me everything, I have deep peace in my soul.   I know that He didn’t bring me this far to drop me now.  Sometimes I’m tempted to look at lack.  When I do, I get  anxious.    Truth is God has already given me so much.    He has given me the ability and desire to work.   He has blessed me with me with people to love and be loved by.  He has given me many things that I enjoy in this life like beautiful sunrises and birds chirping and water in babbling  brooks.     When my soul remembers the Lord is my portion!   I am filled to over flowing and I can TRUST what ever perceived lack I have in my life is nothing compared to the glory He gives me!!    Hope this helps you too, trust in His great provisions!!!😇🙏❤️Always, always hold unto HOPE!!

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