Friday, September 27, 2024

Love them where they are at

John 15:12 "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you,".  This is a verse I quote often.    People often complain about each other.  They will give you all the reasons why they are justified in their own poor behavior because someone else offended them.  I too can be guilty of this.    We are all o love others as Jesus loves us!!  How does He love us?   He loves us so much that while we were yet sinners , He laid down His life died for us!!      It’s hard to love that way on our own.   We can ask God to help us to do so.   People that struggle with mental health issues are often treated very poorly.  Many people loose their patience with them and shun them.   It’s hard too to be patient with people that have other deceases, but seems like as a culture we are more likely to give a person with cancer a pass over a person with alcoholism.    Are you truly loving others as Jesus loves you?     Ask God to help you.   After all He is our vibe and we are His branches.”

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