Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Healthy and Well (fruit 3)

Healthy and Well (fruit 3)
Sometimes we don’t have fresh fruit available to us, what then?

Although fresh is best it is not always available.  Try dried, canned or frozen.

Dried fruit can make a convenient snack.  I like raisins when I feel I need something sweet.  There is a large assortment of dried fruit today.  This is not a free food; meaning low in calories, but it does supply some of the nutritional needs you get from fresh.  Canned fruit is notorious for sugar and high fructose corn syrup, if this is your only choice; rinse the fruit off before you eat it and don’t drink the juice.  Frozen often has good nutritional value, but if fresh isn’t available frozen probably isn’t either.

Are you staying committed, to your Christ centered health and wellness?  This week it is fruit consumption we are developing as a daily habit.   Remember, the best habit we can establish throughout this program and our life is to love God.   Each day of each week we stay on track better if we consume Gods’ word. How are you doing on consuming His word?

Psalm 27:1  “ The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?”

Be fit and be blessed,


How is your Lent challenge going ?  Doesn’t it feel good to do something intentionally for God?  I read Psalm 26 this morning.   David must have been amazing.  I am not.  Thank God for Jesus who makes us all amazing!

PS I’ll be off line until Monday.  Have a wonderful weekend!

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