Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Just lip service?

John 4:24 "God is Spirit and His worshipers must worship Him in Spirit and truth."   Sometimes I question myself if I’m truly worshiping God with my whole heart or if I’m giving Him “lip service.”    One of the ways I can remember to have sincere worship is to be thankful in all things.   I try to remember to thank God for the many, many  things He continually provides me with.   I’m currently touring Norway.    It’s full of breathtaking beauty.    It’s a grand display of the awesome power of God.  I am hoping that I can have a deeper sincerity of heart in my worship.   Instead of thinking about myself so much, I will try to think more about the “ Powerful gift of Jesus”, and share the “ Good News” without reservation.   I hope this helps you to remeber to have a sincere worship in your heart today too.   Start with a deep thanksgiving😇🙏❤️

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