John 12:27 "Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour? No it was for this very reason I came to this hour. 28 Father, glorify your name!" These are the words of Jesus. There is an old saying ,"We have to go through to get to." I recently celebrated 18 years sober. I quit drinking after a 2nd drunk driving ticket. They were years apart so effectively I received two first offenses but I knew that if I didn't quit I would drive compromised again. I really didn't like that ticket or all the money and therapy I had to go through. But I am so thankful for that ticket today. I have a great life, yes I have plenty of trouble(we all do) But wow, Do I have amazing! I think about where my life could be if I'd have chosen to continue in the distruction. It was for that very hour, I was born. I am confident of that. My alcoholism had been a huge benefit to me. AA and other recovery and Bible based groups have helped me with humility. Humility makes me teachable. Teachable is a good place to start. Praise the Lord! He can take our difficulties and make them our turning points😇🙏♥️
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