Saturday, June 4, 2016

Fit Bit (Don't Quit)

Fit Bit (Don’t Quit)
“Be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”
 -2 Chronicles15: 7

I needed this today.  I thought maybe one of you might need this too.  This life can be hard and sometimes I feel I want to through in the towel.  Yet, I know that it’s not I, it is GOD that can and will take care of this.  I also know HE is bigger then anything I face.  He has conquered death.  He makes my wrongs right.  Today, I will not quit, I will trust GOD!  My endurance and strength will come from Him, as I trust Him to handle all that my day brings.

Be fit, be blessed and never give up!


Do you want a life coach?  I can help with that.

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