Proverbs 28:13 "He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy. 14 Blessed is a man who always fears the Lord, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble." Unconfessed sin lingers in my behaviors. I have to identify my sinful thoughts and behaviors quickly or they will take root. With out this constant evaluating my thoughts and behaviors, I fall into the trap of accepting my sins as “ “not that bad”, which is a hardening of my heart. If I look toward this worlds opinions; many sins are considered “normal” and encouraged such as gossip, lying, slothfulness, greed, slander, lust, envy…….We have a higher calling!!! Let’s not harden our hearts! Let’s confess our sins to God and try, try, try again! You know the sins you’ve hardened your heart to. Be inspired to deal with them today!!!
Remember, we are saved by grace and not by works!! Its Jesus’s finished work on the cross that saves us!! Yet, I have found, my days are better , when I try my best to avoid sin. Thank you Jesus for forgiveness and desire to do better!!