Proverbs 21:20. “A house divided against itself cannot stand,”. I raised three boys. When I would send them into the bathroom to brush their teeth, inevitably, a fight would break out, one of the three had to win. I had to remind my boys, "We are on the same team, right now we are on the; "get to school on time team". I told them, "In this house we treat each other with patience, kindness and understanding. What part of being mean to your brother is patient, kind and understanding?" They would inevitably have an excuse why couldn't possibly have avoided the fight. They were children and it was my job as their mom to teach them to be on the same team. Many times our own families feel like they are our enemies. I am a divorced mom. One huge mistake I made was forgetting my husband and I were on the same team. A house divided against each other will fall. Practice patience, kindness and understanding today. Be a a good team mate, look for solutions with love. ❤️
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