Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Fit Bit (Happy BIrthday)

Fit Bit (Happy Birthday!)
25 years ago to day I gave birth to my first-born son.  What an amazing experience!!  I cannot describe the feeling of joy and gratitude that I had as I laid my eyes on him, His father too was filled with awe as we both felt the newness of Ryan’s life and the blessing we had both just received.

New life is precious; as it comes from the womb and is even more precious as is comes from the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  I’m very thankful my son has this second birth as well.  I believe the second birth is even more important then the first.  If we are granted with long life here on Earth, we may live into our 90’s.   Which compared to eternity is relatively short.  When we have the baptism of the Holy Spirit we believe that Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins on the cross and He rose again from the grave concurring death.  Our belief in Jesus gives us a NEW LIFE, regardless of when we came from the womb.

Today, celebrate your birthday by letting go of the old and walk in the New life you have been given through Jesus Christ!!!

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

Be fit and be blessed,


Last weekend I spoke at a retreat for some wonderful Christian women.  Even though every one of us identified ourselves as Christians, for as long as we remembered, each of us also identified things of this world we needed to let go, so we could better walk in His word in our New life through Jesus Christ.  What can you let go of that will help you move forward in Christ?

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