Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Fun Faith and Fitness(week two fitness)

Summer Fun, Faith and Fitness (3)
Fitness is FUN!!!  When we are fit to do the things we want to do it is FUN!!!

How many times have you not done something fun because, “ you just don’t feel up to it?”  Have you ever avoided swimming so others don’t see you in a swimsuit?  Have you ever just sat and watched others playing, because you did not feel like you were good enough to join in?

In order for us to be more fit we have to do more things!  We have to get over our excuses and JUST DO IT!  We are all beautiful children of God.  Let’s love us accordingly and go for it!  We don’t loose weight by wishing it off.  We don’t get more fit by dreaming it so.  In order to have the energy and motivation to do the things we want to do we have to push ourselves into the uncomfortable and be confidant in who we are in Christ.  So what if we are not size 10, let’s put on our swimsuit anyway, we are beautiful children of God.  So what if we strike out every time. Striking out doesn’t define us.  Persevering in the Lord does. 

Fitness starts with moving more.  We will if it is fun.  This week have fun being fit!

2 Corinthians 8:12 “For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.”

Be fit and be blessed,


Canoe trip is Wednesday June 29th from noon to 4pm.  There is still time to sign up!  Contact Kimberly 608-487-4879

1 comment:

  1. I think a certain amount of spontaneity in things adds an element of
    surprise and fun to doing anything. My husband likes everything planned
    out to the nth detail and if we get lost on our way or have a turn of
    events, he gets bent out of shape. I try to make it into an adventure or
    go with the flow and that smooths it over and keeps it going. Getting too
    wrapped up in the details sometimes makes things less fun.

