Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Healthy and Well for 2012 (Week2/6)
We are still in our” Jump Start “phase of Healthy and Well for 2012.

Last week we prioritized prayer and reading scripture.  How did you do?  If you are not used to spending time with God daily, you may be still struggling in this area.  Spending time with God daily is the most important part of our health and wellness!  He is our sole source of real strength and peace. (We will be coming back to this when we finish our jump-start.)

This week we are moving to the next item on our Fitness quest.

Sleep is essential!!!  Many people think they can get by on less sleep as they get older, that is simply not true.  When our children are tired we recognize they are crabby and irrational.  When we are tired we think the world is crabby and irrational.
If we want to live our best life here on earth we need to prioritize our sleep.  Today, this week, evaluate your sleep patterns and come up with a plan to get better sleep.  Please share your ideas.
Proverbs 3:24;  “When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid; yea, thou shalt lie down and thy sleep shall be sweet.

Be fit and be blessed,


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