Friday, March 16, 2012

Fit Bit (kind vs. enabling)

Fit Bit  (Trying to be kind vs. enabling)    
Question:  I’m a recovering alcoholic.  I’ve be born again and I feel my life is going OK.  I’m trying to be a peaceful loving person through the strength I receive with Jesus.  I try to love my children and my parents and help them know Jesus too.  I see signs of them changing their hearts toward Jesus, yet not much sign of them changing their lives.  I can’t stand it anymore.  I feel like I have reached my limit and it is affecting my mental health and I feel like giving up.  What do I do?

ANNswer:  Trust God.  Gods’ timing is perfect.  All any of us can do is to plant the seeds, and do our best to live a Godly life.  I too have difficult issues with my family.  I believe it is my job to love them, but not enable them to continue in their bad behavior.  Tough love is a very difficult thing for me.  I don’t have the perfect answer; I know that enabling people to do a behavior that hurts them hurt us enablers.  Discipline and consequences are good.  Try to come up with boundaries and enforce those boundaries.  Find people that can be your support system.  Pray constantly.  Trust God.

When we help our loved ones continue on in destructive patterns we are helping them fall away from God.

Mathew 18:14  “Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish,”

Our heavenly Father loves each and every one of us.  We need to trust Him.

Be fit and be blessed,


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